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February 19, 2008



This seems like a great way to teach people and for consumers to be entertained. I could see this approach not just be an affective marketing tool, but a way to train employee peers.

Andy Williams | Biz Dev
GameJobHunter, Inc.

Get a job in video games. Visit to post your resume and search available video game jobs.

Jay D'Ambrosio

Over the past few years I have developed an educational alternate reality game for my ancient history classroom. Students will be challenged to develop their critical thinking skills, locate information using real world resources, and practice creative problem solving. Participants will attempt to solve an archaeological mystery by infiltrating a secret society, and answering initiation questions regarding history, science, mathematics, world languages, and the arts. They will need to contact various fictitious characters via email, telephone, text messaging, and instant messenger, who will provide clues that will allow them to continue their quest to discover the truth about a terrifying artifact known only as the Hexagon.

The Hexagon Challenge

This format can easily be adapted to fit a wide variety of learning objectives.

Dale Hunscher

Thanks, Jay, this is very interesting!

Andy: I normally delete comments with a commercial angle, but I think the more talent we can funnel into the gaming world from health informatics, the better off the world will be in the long run. Best of luck with your recruiting!

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