Tutorial by Jakob Nielsen
Open Courseware - pretty comprehensive coverage.
nice brief tutorial showing use of scenarios. good brief explanation and lots of examples.
Hey, the title was in caps, I just copied it. Good example of a way of doing a scenario on p. 95 (page 4-5 in the PDF).
Doesn't include any super clear examples, but does describe a great method for task analysis and creating scenarios from task analysis results.
Not specifically about scenarios, but a seminal paper showing in a few pages why scenarios are a good idea.
Minimalist looking web page with a very nice, brief description about its topic. Also has link to oodles of scenarios contributed by others around a single topic.
Brief but perfect method description for writing scenarios, including an answer to that persistent question, how long should my scenario be?
Describes a project using paper prototyping + scenarios. Not too long, easy read, good info.
Another good page about scenarios on usability.gov; this one talks about scenario writing for user testing in system evaluation.