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June 26, 2006


Shahid N. Shah

Thanks for noticing my column on offshoring -- you've captured everyone's thoughts quite well.

You said "And by implication (if I read between the lines correctly), there are also drudges and culls in their midst, just as there are here."

You're right -- there are drudges and culls but given their insistence on process and fairly decent reviews they're able to lift up the poor performers' work. Process attempts to lift mediocre players to a profitable level.

Creativity, inventiveness, automation, and innovation were still lacking from what I saw but I bet that another couple of visits would even fix that. I think we need to be worried, not about our jobs, but about being out-executed on important IT projects. If they continue to execute well then innovation and invention are not far behind.


I couldn't agree more, on all points.

Computer Consultants

I think that the initial worries about the work shifting to India, etc is based on the ideals that software development is similar to automobile manufacture. Yes the software can be put together anywhere in the world and shipped at minimal cost to the end user. Yet the business problems that are being address still only exist in the highly modernised world, ie Europe and the US. Until this fact changes there will be little change to the software landscape accept the 'software factories' being created.

This is a fascinating discussion, especially where you highlight the differences between U.S. IT workers and those in the Indian IT industry. We really need to focus on our competitors'characteristics if we have any hope of keeping up with them in this global economy.

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