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March 09, 2006



"The greatest challenge in this regard is to educate the field's leaders - physicians, molecular biologists, and CIOs - to take note of the evolutionary path we are on, and get them to at least begin to grasp the rapidity and magnitude of the coming changes."

I agree. I recently started blogging on a similar topic. My focus is on the clinical side of healthcare but as you suggested it is bigger than that. Healthcare has been built on a paradigm where the patient-physician relationship was the focal point. The reason was because that was where the patient got their healthcare information and services. That is changing. The new focal point is becoming the patient-information interface, where the information interface will be determined by technology and not necessarily physicians.


Terry, your comment is spot-on. I checked out your blog and it is very insightful- I am adding it to my blogroll as soon as I can.
I believe we are moving to a dual interface model - the patient-information interface, as you said, but also the physician-information interface. I see all around me evidence that there is a growing disconnect between these two, with the patient's eyes on WebMD and the physician's on an fMRI or a screenful of lab results. The mental models of health and illness are very different in each of their minds.
I would like to see us bring the patient and physician back together with shared information as the intellectual common ground, but also with eye contact and the healing touch as the physical/emotional common ground. In my experience as a patient, there is nothing better than a few minutes of focused, compassionate attention to raise my spirits and bolster the desire to get better.

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